With the plethora of quality evidence based research available supporting early intervention models across a broad range of Physiotherapy modalities, chronic disease management as well as general practice, it is integral that the super clinic embrace this philosophy as a leader in central coast health service provision.
One of our super clinic core values is establishing a trustworthy health service. A service where your patients trust you and make appropriate connections which include continuity of care.
Early intervention and associated appropriate referral to clinic experts leads to appropriate care planning, strengthening patient connections and their trust you as their primary doctor and ultimately improves patient outcomes.
We cant all be expected to be experts in all fields.
Our outcome measures can only be as good as our diagnostic skills. Diagnostically we have a unique diversity of knowledge within the clinic to allow accurate diagnostics and appropriate early intervention and subsequent rapid results.
Assessment and interpretation of results is key here.
Lets use back pain as an example:
A patient presents to the clinic with back pain. Step one is to rule out any red flags through thorough history taking. The next most appropriate course of action is to refer to one of our Physiotherapists. These members of the team are experts in musculoskeletal assessment and management.
They have a validated assessment procedure which allows them to accurately determine if a patients pain is mechanical, structural, inflammatory or chemical (including identifying red or yellow flags), prescribing appropriate advice to the patient, and subsequent GP updates through case conferencing.
If you feel imaging is appropriate first consider why? What are you looking for and what are you going to do with the results? There are many reasons why avoiding unnecessary imaging can actually improve patient outcomes.
Consider appropriateness for EPC/care planning, particularly of there is a financial barrier to your patient seeing the Physiotherapist. Also remember that our Physiotherapists mostly use the McKenzie method which means your patient wont need to come for treatment 2-3 x per week like they often have expectations of.
These early intervention principles should apply to all acute and chronic pain presentations, which included but is not limited to back pain, neck pain, headaches peripheral strains and sprains, bursitis, OA etc.
Early intervention means NOW – not soon!
